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Tandem Regions is an ongoing network that builds on the experience, network and philosophy of Tandem programs.

Tandem alumni and partners come together to untappe the potential of areas that are alive and kicking with ideas, energy and ripe for change. Places where people understand the value of their locality and have a vision for how it could progress.


Tandem Regions develops as a prototype initiative, a cross-border exchange and responsive, policy influencing program that does not presuppose any one way of doing things.


Tandem Regions: The Manifesto

Read more about the program, Tandem collaborations and Tandem programs


how tandem regions

Tandem Regions grows and expands as the programme unfolds.


Tandem Regions is a prototype initiative, a responsive programme that does not presuppose any one way of doing things.

Tandem Regions
builds on the experience, network and philosophy of a decade of Tandem programmes to create a new experimental initiative for communities in undervalued areas.


Tandem Regions’ consortium works and researches in order to understand the “territory” before drawing the map. It develops and co-ordinates between Local Prototyping, Cross-border Exchange and Policy Influencing, feeding each area with trans-local knowledge.


areas of trans-local development

Local Prototyping creates the opportunity to learn new skills, discuss and pilot out local ecosystems, identify challenges, partners and potential pathways for progress.
How is it where we live? What can be changed or improved? Who can help? How do we build a strategy?


Cross-border Exchange is the creation of a network of Regions’ partners. A space for drawing on collective experience, noting common points of intersection, discussing different approaches for change and bringing in potential new partners.
What do you know? What ideas and challenges do we share? What has worked for you before?


Policy Influencing is explored through a range of projects that focus on policy making and lasting, systemic change for citizens.

tandem Regions

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Prototype: Greece

“Shaping Advocates:

An intro to Creative Active Citizenship” prototype is designed and implemented by COMM’ON (Greece), partner of Tandem Regions.

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Prototype: Bulgaria

“Baba Residence (Climartistic edition)” prototype is designed and implemented

by Ideas Factory (Bulgaria), partner of

Tandem Regions.

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Prototype: Portugal

“Mapping communities

with cultural practices off the radar”

prototype is designed and implemented by 4iS (Portugal), partner of Tandem Regions.

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Prototype: Italy

“The Villette Job”

prototype is designed and implemented by R84 Multifactory (Italy), partner of Tandem Regions.

THE team


TaNDEM regions

Tandem Regions was initiated by

European Cultural Foundation (Netherlands), MitOst (Germany), 4is (Portugal), COMM’ON (Greece) and Ideas Factory (Bulgaria).


The program is coordinated by MitOst and developed by COMM’ON, Creative Scene (UK), Ideas Factory, Insha Osvita (Ukraine), Leeuwarden Fryslan 2028 (Netherlands), Museum Pfyn (Switzerland), R84 (Italy), 4iS

Tandem Regions is supported by European Cultural Foundation and Fondazione Cariplo (Italy).

greek prototype

“Shaping Advocates"

An intro to Creative Active Citizenship


The prototype is designed and implemented by COMM’ON (Greece), partner of Tandem Regions.

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