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Organizational development grant

Grant management and implementation for Greece.

COMM'ON was the local implementor for the Organizational Development Grant of the Civil Society Cluster of Bosch Alumni Network. The grant was awarded to 2 local teams in order to work alongside a trained Civil Society Toolbox facilitator for their team's organizational development.

2 teams
2 trained facilitators

What is the ODGs:

MitOst e.V. in collaboration with the Civil Society Cluster of Bosch Alumni Network provided 7 grants to teams and organizations from all over Europe that had the need to work for their organizational development using the Civil Society Toolbox.

The grants provided 1 trained facilitator that worked alongside each team to create a custom made workshop depending on their specific needs and additional budget for the production of their workshop (material, space, online tools, etc).

70 ODG applications

7 selected teams / organizations

2 Greek teams

The Greek teams:

Culture for Change

Thessaloniki Alliance for Culture

**all photos are curtesy of the "Thessaloniki Alliance for Culture"

When: 2020

Where: Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki)


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