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keeping nature natural

COMM'ON supported "Sustainability on Materials in Contemporary Art by the Approach of Biomimicry" symposium team in order to design and develop an educational booklet of methodologies, models and practices.

COMM'ON collaborated with Nisyrio AMKE and OnMaterials for the research, design and development of an educational and informational guide of the methodologies, models and practicies that were presented during the 4 day "Sustainability on Materials in Contemporary Art by the Approach of Biomimicry" symposium that took place in Nisyros island in June 2022.

The goal of the this guide is to present this new sustainable practice that connects production and art and to activate a conversation between professionals and practitioners who work with new, re-cycle and re-usable materials in artistic practice.

The guide can be used as a tool to anyone interested to be introduced or to extended their knowledge on the subject.

COMM’ON researched all the material shared in the symposium and developed this guide with the collaboration of Nisyrio and OnMaterials.

The project was funded by iac Berlin.

When: June to September 2022

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