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Fertile ground: open call for artists

Fertile Ground program launched an open call for artists in October 2021 for site-specific artworks proposals, related to the history of the area and to the people who worked and live there.

COMM'ON and our partner in Lipasmata Park, KDVM II Keratsiniou-Drapetsonas, designed and implemented an open call for artists and artistic teams for the design and production of a large scale site-specific artwork in October 2021.

The proposed artworks referred:

a. to the history of the former industrial area of Lipasmata and to the people who worked there

b. to the social and cultural history of the surrounding area.

We filed:

16 proposals

Evaluation process

The evaluation of the 16 proposals had 2 phases:

Phase #1 | Evaluation Committee

At the first phase of the evaluation a 5 member committee short listed 2 works that in November 2021 continued to phase two and the public vote.

Members of the Committee:

Aris Kalantidis / Professor of Place Management and Director of the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Eleni Kyramariou / Historian, Commissioned Researcher for the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation

Kostas Bassanos / Artist, Associate Professor at the School of Fine Art of the University of Ioannina, Greece

Maria Korkidi / Director of cultural, sports and education department of Keratsini-Drapetsona Municipality

Gagin Altounian / Painter, Sculptor

*for full bios visit

Phase #2 | Public Vote

The 2 short-listed proposals were open for the public vote (29 Nov - 20 Dec 2021).

Visitors of Lipasmata Park were invited to vote between the 2 short-listed proposals:

a. "Eikona sou eimai koinonia kai sou moiazo" (free translation: "Society I am your image and I look like you" - artist: Thodoris Prodromidis

b. "Bridge" - artist: Artemis Papageorgiou

2.026 people voted in total

1.024 visitors voted for "Eikona sou eimai koinonia kai sou moiazo" by the artist Thodoris Prodromidis

* The production and installation of the artwork will take place during spring 2022

** You can follow the program


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