Creating and developing a process for the next day of Lipasmara Park (Polychoros Lipasmaton Drapetsonas). Bringing together Municipality, local community and visitors.

Local community and visitors of Lipasmata Park were invited to participate in the strategic development of the park by filling an extensive survey, developed by the administration of Keratsini-Drapetsona Municipality, for activities and infrastructure on the thematics of culture, environment and sports.
COMM'ON and our partner in Fertile Ground program, KDVM II Keratsiniou-Drapetsonas, in November 2021, hosted a workshop for 9 elected members and administrators of the Municipality in order to collectively decide on the content on the survey. The departments of Culture, Sports and Environment mapped needs and barriers that they come across/face in their work in Lipasmata Park along with requests and queries from the visitors from the last 5 years. The mapping was recorded in two categories and three thematics:
a. content (meaning activities that take place in the park) and
b. infrastructure
within the thematics of Culture / Sports / Environment.

The survey included 7 questions on content and 11 questions on infrastructure and 1 open answer question.

Fertile Ground program created a voting communication campaign for the local community and visitors of the park during November-December 2021 inviting people to vote either online either with the hard-copy questionnaires available at the cafes of Lipasmata Park.
2.026 people voted
(1.262 Local Residents & 764 Visitors)
1.096 Women | 916 Men | 14 Other
(19 age up to 18 | 350 age 19-29 | 956 age 30-45 | 580 age 46-65 | 121 age above 65)
All final results will be available at in March 2022