COMM'ON was invited by Horizontal School to facilitate, in collaboration with Magda Latuch, a training in Berlin for teams and organisations with horizontal structure on decision design and decision making processes using the Civil Society Toolbox.

The training took place in Berlin, January 2020 with 10 participants from all over Europe.

Horizontal School is developed since 2019 in the scope of the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg, encouraging youth engagement for democratic, peaceful and resilient societies in over 24 countries. Horizontal school offers spaces to learn how to facilitate, develop practices on the levels of self, team, organization, community or ecosystem, and to connect in a learning community. The goal of HS is to design learning spaces for open-minded and curious individuals to navigate in a (too) complex world.
When: 17-18.01.2020
Where: Berlin, Germany
Collaboration: Horizontal School